GFI Anti Spam Filter - anti spam software server

Spam is a big trouble for all system administrators and in general for Internet usage. This blog will promote some of the best anti spam software.

GFI Anti Spam Filter Presentation

GFI Anti Spam Filter - anti spam software server
GFI Anti Spam FilterServer based anti spam, anti-phishing & email management solution for Exchange and SMTP servers with over 80,000 SMB customers and counting. Benefit from advanced spam detection technology capturing 98% of spam and phishing emails, whilst minimizing false positives. Also adds disclaimers, mail archiving/reporting, auto replies, POP3 downloading and more!

Company name:
GFI Software Ltd anti spam software server

GFI anti spam software server Brochure

This post is related to "anti spam software server", helping you to find the "best anti spam software"