Useful Netstat commands
Check the list of the top 10 using netstat:
# netstat -an | grep 'ESTABLISHED' | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d: -f1 | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n 10
View all established connections using netstat:
# netstat -an | grep 'ESTABLISHED' | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d: -f1 | uniq -c | sort -rn
Check the largest number of established connections:
# netstat -an | grep 'ESTABLISHED' | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d: -f1 | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n 1
Check each detail using netstat:
# netstat -an | grep 'ESTABLISHED' | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d: -f1 | uniq -c | sort -rn | more
You can show the port with nestat using:
# netstat -an | grep 'ESTABLISHED' | awk '{print $4}' | uniq -c | sort -rn
10:06 AM | Tags: ddos, firewall | 0 Comments
SMTP server online test
I found a good link where you can test a SMTP server the online simple program will check for any configuration trouble and display it. You just need to enter the server address to start the tests. It is util to check if spammers can use your server to spam.
SMTP test
5:52 PM | Tags: email, exim, security, spam | 0 Comments
Protect chmod 777 folders
Sometimes linux hosting users need to change the permissions on a folder to use upload scripts or other applications that need this permissions.
With chmod 777 ther folder gain the rights: writing / execute and read for everyone. Hackers like this folders.
How can you protect that folders?
You can turn PHP off on that folder and disable php / html / perl files.
How can it be done?
Create this .htaccess in the folder:
php_flag engine offThats it, you just increased the security level on this folders.
<Files ~ "\.(php*|s?p?html|cgi|pl)$">
deny from all
6:29 AM | Tags: apache, php, security | 0 Comments
Sync BlackBerry with Linux
"If all you want to do is share data between your Linux box and the BlackBerry, no sweat. The 2GB Micro SD storage I inserted in my 8800 is available to my Linux system just like any other USB storage device. When I connect the USB cable to the BlackBerry, I simply say yes when Ubuntu asks if I want to enter Mass Storage Mode, and I can copy music and photos to the phone. I have run into a problem getting the audio for videos that were created with Kino to work correctly, but other than that, moving data back and forth between the PDA and the desktop "just works."
The Barry and OpenSync projects aim to provide a little more functionality than just moving data. According to its home page, the Barry project "is a GPL C++ library for interfacing with the RIM BlackBerry Handheld. It comes with a command-line tool for exploring the device and a GUI for making quick backups. This project's goal is to create a fully functional syncing mechanism on Linux." Release 0.11, which I've been playing with the past week, goes a long way toward meeting those goals. With it, you can explore, backup and restore, and -- with a little help from OpenSync -- sync databases. There is, however, some assembly required."
11:42 AM | Tags: offtopic | 0 Comments
Uninstall Linux Easy and Safe on Dual OS
This a video tutorail showing you the the right and more easy way to uninstall a Linux Distro from a Dual OS system without mess with your Windows System.
11:34 AM | Tags: linux, videos | 0 Comments
NetBSD 4.0 has been released
NetBDS 4 is out | Download NetBSD4
NetBSD is a free, secure, and highly portable Unix-like Open Source operating system available for many platforms, from 64-bit Opteron machines and desktop systems to handheld and embedded devices. Its clean design and advanced features make it excellent in both production and research environments, and it is user-supported with complete source. Many applications are easily available through pkgsrc, the NetBSD Packages Collection.
All of the code is under non-restrictive licenses, and may be used without paying royalties to anyone. Free support services are available via our mailing lists and website.
* The FAST_IPSEC IPsec implementation was extended to use hardware acceleration for IPv6, in addition to the hardware accelerated IPv4 that was available before.
* mprotect(2) got restrictions to enforce W^X policies, from PaX.
* GCC 4's support for stack smashing protection (SSP) was enabled by adding libssp.
* The kernel authorization framework kauth(9) was added, replacing the traditional BSD credential management and privileged operation access control with an abstract layer, allowing the implementation of various security models either as part of the NetBSD distribution or as third-party LKMs.
NetBSD's kernel authorization is a hybrid clean-room implementation of a similar interface developed by Apple, extending its capabilities and combining concepts of credential inheritance control.
2:30 PM | Tags: downloads | 0 Comments
Crontab Basics
Change to the user you want to, then open the crontab editor:
# crontab -e
you can use this variables:
a = the minute after the hour that you want it done
b = the hour you want it done
c = Day of the Month
d = Month of the Year
e = Day of the week
f = 'command you want to execute'
* = ALL
10 0 * * * /usr/local/aplication
It will run the application every day at 12:10 AM.
* * * - means all day of the month, all month of the year, all day of the week
Other crontab commands:
crontab -e opens the editor
crontab -l lists the contents of the crontab
crontab -r removes the crontab
5:48 AM | Tags: crontab | 0 Comments
Securing D-Link Home Network
Don't let your neighbors or intruders connect to your wireless network. You should replace the default passwords on every device you purchase with passwords of your own. It means that every router, access point or other networking device comes with the same password. Imagine how many ""dlink"" networks there would be in the world if none of our customers renamed their routers? Hackers make it a point to know every company's default passwords. By simply defining a new password, one that will certainly be easier for you to remember than the default, you will establish the protection you need to halt hackers from accessing your network or devices.
12:19 PM | Tags: router, security, videos | 0 Comments
Unix LS command
This video form will show how to use LS command with some details about permissions and other output information form LS.
4:00 PM | Tags: linux, ubuntu, videos | 0 Comments
MySQL Optimization
Login to your server as root and do a backup of my.cnf mySQL configuration file:
# cp /etc/my.cnf /etc/my.cnf.backup
Edit my.cnf file using nano or other text editor:
# nano /etc/my.cnf
You can use that configuration to optimize default configuration:
[mysqld]Save and exit
port = 3306
socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
max_allowed_packet = 16M
key_buffer = 256M
sort_buffer_size = 256M
read_buffer = 2M
write_buffer = 2M
key_buffer = 256M
sort_buffer_size = 256M
read_buffer = 2M
write_buffer = 2M
4:02 AM | Tags: mysql | 0 Comments
iPhone - Best Christmas Present 2007
Christmas day is coming. And we think: What should be the best Christmas Present i can offer / receive?
I think if you see the next video you will considere iPhone :)
Good Christmas Times for All!
4:32 PM | Tags: offtopic | 0 Comments
Keep your Microsoft Office Documents in Sync with Google Docs
If you work on both Google Docs and Microsoft Office simultaneously, you can get a little problem if you want to keep your documents in sync. Imagine, you edited a Excel document in your personal Computer using Microsoft Office but did not upload the changes to Google Docs which still has the old version.
DocSyncer, a free utility automatically uploads your Word, Excel and PowerPoint files to Google Docs. It then keeps a watch on our local folders and if it finds anything new, that is pushed to Google Docs.
DocSyncer is in invite-only. It can also be used as a bulk uploader for Google Docs more convenient than email.
Request DocSyncer Invite
Download DocSyncer
3:59 PM | Tags: google, windows | 0 Comments
Control Panels for WebHosting
This is a list with a little description of the actual Webhost Control Panels you can choose form to help you to easily manage a server and popular services.
Most Popular:
cPanel is the next generation site configuration and management software application. Supporting many operating systems while allowing endusers to control every aspect of their webhosting experience. cPanel (c) and WHM (tm) (WebHost Manager) is the next generation web hosting control panel system. Both cPanel & WHM are extremely feature rich as well as include an easy to use web based GUI (Graphical User Interface).
WHM allows you to but is not limited to administering individual accounts, reseller accounts & performing basic system and control panel maintenance via a secure interface. cPanel is designed for the end users of your system and allows them to control everything from adding / removing email accounts to administering MySQL databases.
SWsoft Plesk is a comprehensive control panel solution used by leading hosting providers worldwide for shared, virtual and dedicated hosting. The control panel is designed to simplify the management and administration of web sites. Plesk control panel automates a large number of tasks that allow service providers to reduce operating costs and resources while at the same time increasing profitability, efficiency and customer satisfaction. There are four login levels in Plesk with each level having its appropriate roles and responsibilities:
- Administrator – The highest individual server level login which allows web hosting administrators to set up and manage all system items. Multiple servers can be centrally managed with the Master level login of Plesk Expand.
- Client/Reseller – Second tier login account where the users are given domain creation rights from the System Administrator. Clients can administer to groups of domains using a single login.
- Domain Owner – These are third tier individual domain owner accounts with predetermined permission sets and interface for single domain administration.
- Mail User This is the fourth tier individual mail account which allows the user to log in to their own private interface and manage passwords, spam filters, anti-virus settings and much more.
Zervex ServerCP Standard
This the perfect solution for hosting companies and organizations who need a webserver mailserver dns server or a fully featured web hosting environment. ServerCP Standard offers four levels of interface access (root user,reseller,site-owner and mailuser). ServerCP can be purchased for a one time fee or purchased as a subscription. '.br(2).' ServerCP Lite a offers a single user login to manage email, mysql, DNS etc from a single interface for an unlimited number of domains. ServerCP Lite allows companies to offer a no cost solution to entry level server plans or provide web based management and automatic updates of critical Linux based infrastructure servers. ServerCP Lite can be upgraded to ServerCP Standard at any time.
Helm Control Panel
Helm is capable of providing a complete, flexible Windows Web hosting management solution for both single-server service providers and suppliers of thousands of servers including dedicated and co-located customer services. Key features of the control panel include :
- support for unlimited domains and users
- automatic billing and multi-lingual user interfaces
Helm also focuses on making the administrator's work effort both minimal and uncomplicated.
PSoft is the creator of server control panels such as H-Sphere,Site Studio, FreeVPS and CP+. Positive Software Corporation specializes in providing Internet service providers with quality, easy to use tools that dramatically reduce the cost of Web site administration, maintenance and support, along with utilities that make Web sites user-friendly. The firm is responsible for H-Sphere, one of the most popular hosting automation systems, and offers CP+, a Web tool for the remote administration of dedicated servers. Highlights H-Sphere is a highly scalable, multi-server Web hosting solution. Its advanced features and sophisticated billing system automate and improve Web hosting tasks. H-Sphere was designed to work on many servers and can be scaled by adding more Web, mail, database and DNS servers without any downtime. It provides a simple, easy-to-use Web interface that can be maintained from any computer with an Internet connection. H-Sphere was written in Java and works with any SQL-compliant database. It runs only industry standard software. CP+ is a Web-based tool for remote administration of dedicated servers. It can be used to perform basic administrative tasks and create and manage domains through a graphical interface, which makes system administration easy and comfortable. Users don't need to remember a long list of console commands with complex syntax and valid parameter values. All major system management tasks are presented as icons providing a single entry point from which to perform a task. CP+ offers three levels of access: admin level to manage servers and add domains; domain level to manage domain properties; and end-user level to manage mailbox, forwarding, and auto responder settings. More Information The heart of the multi-server H-Sphere is the control panel server. It knows about every other server in the configuration. The Control Panel server manages all new machines, users, domains, and events behind the scenes. When a user enters the system and creates a new account, the control panel server dispatches commands to all DNS, Mail and Web servers, ordering them to configure automatically. It also writes all the information about the user into its database. From this moment on, H-Sphere knows which computers the account resides on, the properties of the account, how it is billed and any other important information. All settings are configured in real time. H-Sphere differentiates itself from its competition by offering complete automation over Linux, FreeBSD and Windows environments. The system also offers a billing solution, over 20 supported merchant gateways, the ability to deploy virtual private servers and the ability to cater to private label resellers. Positive Software also offers a browser-based tool for Web design, SiteStudio, which can be fully integrated into an H-Sphere deployment. "Today more and more Web hosts are catering to multiple markets that include shared, dedicated, colo and VPS hosting,"says Igor Seletskiy, president of Positive Software. "H-Sphere provides those companies with a centralized point to manage all of these diverse solutions." Positive Software also offers an enhanced CP+ Web-based interface for Unix system administration. Using any browser, a system administrator can set up user accounts, Apache, DNS, file-sharing and other attributes.
The InterWorx Cluster Panel (InterWorx-CP) is a dedicated server and load balanced cluster control panel. InterWorx-CP allows you to easily manage your dedicated server and gives you the ability to incrementally expand your single server into a full blown load balanced clustering solution. InterWorx-CP is the only panel which allows this simple incremental expansion from single server to load balanced cluster. There's no need for any complicated setup, InterWorx-CP takes care of the details for you so you can focus on your business.
Ensim provides server and site management software for hosting businesses. The Ensim Webappliance supports Windows, as well as Linux.
Etrinix Corp
Provides software development and hosting automation tools for the web hosting industry. The Command Matrix(tm) is a web-based remote control application designed with the shared hosting provider in mind. It is ideal for hosting providers looking for a low-cost scalable solution for clients interested in Windows(tm) 2000 based hosting solutions. The Command Matrix(tm) enables web-hosts to increase productivity by allowing their clients considerable amount of control over their accounts facilitating them to manage routine tasks. With three levels of administration, the Command Matrix(tm) defines the word 'control' in a control panel.
Is a web-based tool for remote administration of dedicated servers. It can be used to perform basic administrative tasks and create/manage domains through a graphical interface, which makes system administration easy and comfortable. Users don\'t need to remember a long list of console commands with complex syntax and valid parameter values. All major system management tasks are now presented as icons providing a single entry point from which to perform a task.
Sphera offers a solution for delivering as a service a wide variety of hosted applications, including Messaging & Collaboration (e.g. Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint, email), CRM, databases, e-commerce, streaming media, web hosting, advanced technology (e.g. Xen, JSP, ASP), and security services (e.g. anti-spam, anti-virus) The result is an open, industry-proven, and Telco-grade platform based on industry standards. They bring together all of the pieces needed to deliver a fully automated, highly innovative, and highly-profitable business around the rapidly growing Software-as-a-Service market.
Virtualmin is the world's most popular Open Source virtual hosting management system designed to make virtual hosting quick, reliable, and secure. Now it's also easy to install, professionally supported, and aggressively targeted to answering the needs of web hosting providers. Compare Virtualmin to cPanel, feature for feature. The new Virtualmin application stack is easier to install, easier to use, and provides the only complete web-based system management platform on the market.
ZPanel is a hosting control interface developed for both Windows and Linux hosts. They will soon be developing two different distributions to fit the needs of both platforms.
Host4NET is a complete web-hosting management solution dedicated to small and medium hosting companies. This software is developed by 4NET in order to be a competitive alternative to other commercial hosting software solutions. For the beginning, Host4net is designed to integrate cleanly into the Webmin system administration tool. A future next step is a synchronization and binding with eCommerce solutions like OSCommerce and CMS applications like PHPNuke or Envolution. Their solution consists of tools for users management, billing support, technical support ticketing and more. Host4Net will at the same time be an application with interface for clients, network administrators, commercial departments and marketing departments.
DTC (Domain Technology Control)
Open Source Hosting Worldwide: web spaces featuring GPL control panel! Domain Technologie Control (DTC) is a GPL control panel for hosting. Using a web GUI for admin and accounting all hosting services, DTC can delegate the task of creating subdomains, email, and FTP accounts to users for the domain names they own. DTC manages a MySQL database containing all the hosting information. It has support for many programs (bind 8 and 9 and compatibles, MySQL, Apache 1.3, php4, qmail, postfix 2, courier, dovecot, proftpd, webalizer, mod-log-sql, etc.) through config files and/or MySQL plugins (when the service is non-critical). It can also generate backup scripts, calculation scripts, and config files using a single system UID/GID and monitor all traffic accounting per user and per service. Since version 0.12, DTC is fully skinable and translated into several languages (Chinese, English, Spanish, French, Dutch, German, Italian, Russian, Hungarian, Romanian and Polish). In short, DTC is THE hosting software you need for everyday server administration if you do web, dns, ftp or mail hosting.
Baifox is a GPL control panel to managed services of a hosting service. It doesn't try to compete with Cpanel, Plesk or Ensim propietary software, but sometime, could be a good alternative. Baifox is really lighter than others panel, don't disturb server with heavy loads and cpu consume, only manage services. You can adapt baifox to your needs. Also, unlike other propietary software, it works in most linux distribution and it has been widely tested in DEBIAN. You must install services before and then you install baifox and configure it with your paths. Is enterilly developed with PHP, some javascript code, and not need database system, all configuration is saved in XML format, and works under Nanoweb PHP server. Fully compatible with PHP4 and PHP5.
Account Services Manager is a web-based account manager for UNIX web hosts so that clients can manage services such as FTP accounts, POP3 accounts, Subdomains, Password-protected folders, etc. without having to email support.
ModenaPanel is an automation software for your free hosting service. '.br(). 'Their software represents latest technology in free hosting service providing: from now on you don\'t have to worry about server upgrades or server migrations because their software delivers load balancing!
SHOUTcast hosting control panel has now become publicly available to the entire web hosting industry. SCPanel was designed to allow web hosting providers, the ability to provide SHOUTcast streaming services, for audio, video and on-demand content. SCPanel can be easily integrated with cPanel(R) and other popular web hosting control panels or function as a stand-alone application.
The InterWorx Cluster Panel (InterWorx-CP) is a dedicated server and load balanced cluster control panel. InterWorx-CP allows you to easily manage your dedicated server and gives you the ability to incrementally expand your single server into a full blown load balanced clustering solution. InterWorx-CP is the only panel which allows this simple incremental expansion from single server to load balanced cluster. There's no need for any complicated setup, InterWorx-CP takes care of the details for you so you can focus on your business.
Fully automated billing and hosting software for cPanel and WHM with built in payment processing and fraud prevention. Supports domain name registration, and SSL certificate sales. Lpanel is a Complete Web Hosting Billing & Automation Suite that installs over cPanel, WHM. Lpanel Hosting Automation Suite includes: A Powerful Billing Manager Threaded Multi-Staff Support Manager w/Chat Automated Account Creation Automated Account Suspension Advanced Account Management Fraud Detection Fraud Prevention Tools Industry Leading Lpanel Pro Interface Lpanel is the first to include the exclusive Split Charge Verify Feature that upon signup randomly splits the initial charge into two amounts which the client must verify. Using the split charge, and fraud callback services, Lpanel is able to bypass the high risk of fraud associated with today's rapid growing hosting industry.
VishwaKarma is a free Web-hosting control panel for GNU/Linux systems. It permits control of domains and e-mail accounts through a completely web-based interface, freeing server owners, reseller and domain owners from the need to login to the server and use command-line based tools.
A web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Setup user accounts, DNS, file sharing and the program is freeware.
SysCP, the System Control Panel is an open source server administration tool which enables an internet service provider to give their customers a web-based application to administrate their email addresses, subdomains and other essential tools for website configuration. SysCP, the System Control Panel is a server administration tool which enables an internet service provider to give their customers a web-based application to administrate their email addresses, their subdomains etc. The project was founded in autumn 2003 by Florian Lippert and was published on June, 15th 2004 under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL). SysCP is developed for use with Debian, but with some modifications it should run on every server system.
Web Hosting Control Panel: Zomos Server Controls allow you to let server administrators, resellers and end users control virtually all aspects of web hosting Zomos Server Controls is a Web Based Server control system which runs on many operating systems. It allows End Users, Resellers and Server Administers to control all aspects of a web server through a simple "point and click" web interface. Zomos features four levels of control, various translations, various operating systems, and full support for the Apache Web Server, Bind (DNS), MySQL, PostgreSQL, Qmail, FTP, ezmlm, Webalizer, AWstats, themes and much much more.
The InsPanel is a web-based hosting control panel for Windows. Suited for hosts looking for a scalable solution for their clients. Featuring support for Windows 2003, Cold Fusion MX, MS SQL, distributed mail and DNS and a multilingual interface among other features. InsPanel is a windows web hosting control panel software designed with the shared hosting provider in mind. It is ideal for hosting providers looking for a low-cost scalable solution for clients . InsPanel enables web-hosts to increase productivity by allowing their clients considerable amount of control over their accounts. It comes with separate levels for server admins, resellers and end-users making it the first choice for dedicated server clients with little or no administrative experience. Comes with built-in support for MailEnable, .NET, MySQL, PHPmyAdmin, Sub-domain, Templates, installable scripts; PHPBB, WebWiz Forums, a web-based File Manager, an HTML editor, Cold Fusion MX and MS SQL etc. The InsPanel, further enables a webhost to control multiple servers via a single interface
Hosting automation solution which allows service providers to manage IIS, DNS, FTP, Mail, Statistics and Database services through a single web-based interface. HostingAccelerator for Windows is a powerful and flexible hosting automation software (Windows Control Panel) offers service providers a reliable, secure and scalable solution to build, manage and provision shared / reseller / dedicated hosting services on Windows 2000 & 2003 platform quickly and easily. It delegates administration by allowing resellers and end-users to manage their resources through an intuitive web based interface without compromising system security, thereby simplifying routine administration tasks and reducing customer support overhead & cost thereby reducing the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and delivering instant Return-On-Investment (ROI) to service providers. HostingAccelerator manages & provision's a wide range of third party software, It supports 8 Mail servers, 2 FTP servers, 3 DNS Servers, 4 Statistics servers, 2 Database servers, 2 Java Servers and 15+ ready-to-use applications are bundled along with the software. HostingAccelerator is the only hosting automation software in the market which offers support for so many different servers and applications. FREE Statistics, Mail and Jabber Instant Messaging Servers are pre-bundled with the software thus offering tremendous value for your money.
Offers a control panel for windows based hosting servers, allowing customers to handle their site options in a web-based panel. After many years in the hosting arena E-Insites (then Cyber World) saw a need for a Windows Control Panel with the features that compare to a Linux Control Panel. The staff at the hosting company experienced first hand the frustration of being without an automated solution for Windows Hosting. Years of experience in the Windows Hosting Industry gave them confidence that they could build a better mouse trap. CWIPanel is a complete product, tested extensively for over two years with E-Insites hosting clients, and has been given a note of approval by other web hosting companies that have used it. The developers of the panel have worked on the panel everyday since its creation and continue to update the panel and add new and more innovative features to the panel. CWIPanel currently offers one version of the panel called CWIPanel Pro. This version of the panel is a one server license version and allows unlimited domains to be added. We have had many requests for a version of CWIPanel that can handle multiple servers which has lead us to start on the development of
Webhost Panel
Bankoi WebHost Panel is a multi-server management and control system for Windows 2000 and 2003 based web hosts. Bankoi WebHost Panel is a multi-server management and control system for Windows 2000 and 2003 based web hosts. The system is designed for any size web hosting companies, datacenters and ISPs, which require a solid platform that automates all of the day-to-day tasks that would otherwise require highly skilled man power, and large work forces.
Virtual Hosting Control System VHCS delivers a complete hosting automation appliance by offering significant security, total-cost-of-ownership, and performance advantages over competing commercial solutions.With VHCS Pro you can configure your server and applications, create user with domains with a few point-and-click operations that take less than a minute. There is no limit to the number of resellers, users and domains that can be created.At the core of VHCS Pro are 3 easy-to-use, Web-based control panels. VHCS provides graphic user interfaces for the administrators, resellers and users. VHCS is... Free: VHCS is Free Software and dedicated to giving users, administrators and developers the ultimate level of control over their linux web servers, and their data. Usable: VHCS understands that usability is about creating software that is easy for everyone to use, not about piling on features. Supported: Beyond the worldwide VHCS Community, VHCS is supported by the leading companies in Linux and Unix. Accessible: Free Software is about enabling software freedom for everyone, including users, administrators and developers with disabilities. VHCS Accessibility framework is the result of several years of effort, and makes VHCS the most accessible control panel for any Linux platform. International: VHCS is used, developed and supported in dozens of languages, and we strive to ensure that every piece of VHCS software can be translated into all languages.
Hosting Controller
Windows control panel/hosting automation software. Hosting Controller is a complete array of Web hosting automation tools for the Windows Server family platform. It is the only multilingual software package you need to put your Web hosting business on autopilot. The Hosting Controller has its own complete billing solution which is tightly integrated within Control Panel and does all the invoicing and billing.
Opensource Hosting control panel. AlternC is a set of user-friendly mass hosting management software. It is easy to install and based on open-source software only. AlternC is GPL Licensed.AlternC includes an automatic installation and configuration system, and a web-based control panel to manage users' accounts and web services (e.g. domains, emails, ftp accounts, statistics...) AlternC is based on the Debian GNU/Linux system ('Sarge' version), and it requires other softwares such as Apache, Postfix, Mailman ... It also contains a documented API, so you can customize your web panel quickly and easily. AlternC was initially written in French. However, the debian package includes an English version. The translation in any language is possible. Volunteers are welcome ! (See the internationalization page). The documentation is only available in French (so far).AlternC has been created by the system administrators of Lautre Net, members of Lautre Net and is currently developped by some organizations such as Eitic, Koumbit and Metaconsult.
web-cp is a full-featured, open source web hosting control panel written in PHP and released under the GPL. It consists of 4 control panels: personal, domain, reseller, and server. The personal control panel allows users to update their personal information, change their password and set their spam control settings. The domain control panel allows domain owners to add new users, aliases, subdomains, domain pointers and databases. The resellers control panel allows resellers to add or modify their domain accounts. The server control panel allows the server administrator to add or modify resellers, edit VirtualHost and DNS templates, restart services and monitor server usage. Scripting, shell access, SSI, databases, mail, domains, etc are all controlled from a top-down approach. is a continuation of the development of web://cp with it's ultimate goal being a 1.0 release. web-cp runs on almost every version of Unix/Linux/BSD and only Apache, MySQL and PHP are required.
HOSTFLOW BUSINESS SUITE is intended for growing hosting providers, ISPs and telecommunications providers. HostFlow is ideal to consolidate multiple customer bases onto a unified platform post-acquisition, significantly reducing service management overheads and operating costs.
Ease of use. DirectAdmin is the easiest to use control panel, period. Speed. DirectAdmin is programmed to be the fastest running control panel available. Stability. DirectAdmin avoids downtime by automatically recovering from crashes. Support. We offer lightning-fast support by phone, e-mail, forum, and live online chat.
RavenCore Hosting Control Panel The RavenCore Project is an Open Source Hosting Control Panel aimed toward making the most robust, secure, and reliable hosting software available. Mission statement: "To provide the world with a free, comparable alternative to expensive hosting software." Easy to use - Even the installation of RavenCore is a no-brainer. The control interface is simple to use, easy to understand, and only gives options for the components you want installed so you are not looking at things you will never use. Portable - RavenCore is designed to run on any Linux system without any configuration changes, as it detects what distribution you are using, and automatically configures everything for you. It also is designed to be ran with any web browser, even text browsers such as lynx. Secure - Designed completely around security, RavenCore employs several fail safe mechanisms and hack-attempt detection features to make sure your server stays safe. Free - Licensed under the GPL and distributed freely to all. Although you do not have to pay a dime to use RavenCore, we would gladly accept donations.
ISPConfig - Hosting Control Panel - ISP management and Hosting Control Panel. ISPConfig manages webserver, mailserver, BIND DNS, proftpd + vsftpd FTP server, mySQL databases, spamassassin and diskquotas with an easy to use webinterface for administrators, resellers and clients.
LayeredPanel allows you to build a free hosting network on your server(s), giving you complete control over the operation, support and features. LayeredPanel was built with speed and low server loads in mind, two of the main drawbacks of many of the other expensive control panels on the market. Due to our focus on an optimized script you are able to host over 30,000+ accounts (and even more in server clusters!) LayeredPanel by default, includes all the features needed to run a free hosting website and more! Such as advertisements, for example google adwords, which can be placed directly on user pages, generating you revenue and large profits on your service.
Cube Panel
Cube Panel is the solution for the complete automation of your servers. Manage your resources in a fast, simple and intuitive way at very competitive prices. Cube Panel is the solution for the complete automation of your servers. Manage your resources in a fast, simple and intuitive way at very competitive prices. - Complete server administration, through 3 levels of administration (Administrator, Client and Domain). - Available for Linux and Windows platforms. - Fully customizable control panels: personalization of skin, logo, language, logo and much more. - API Webservices for the integration of your corporate solutions. - Integrated domain registration platform. - Multi-language support. With the possibility to add unlimited languages and personalize every text through a free optional module.
DotNetPanel Software delivers the first-class management solutions for Windows web hosting businesses of any size. DotNetPanel is unique feature-rich solution for simplifying Windows hosting management operations. It manages multiple servers, has robust, scalable and secure architecture, it's very simple in use, offers competitive pricing and great support!
Host Screen
HostScreen is a Hosting Control Panel for Windows Servers. It makes the control and maintenance of your windows server so much easier! No more hassle to simply add a new hosting account. You can add new domains in seconds. This panel gives you clients and resellers the control they deserve and greatly reduces the load on your system administrators at the same time.
- For Server Administrators, Resellers and Domain Owners
- Easy to use Filemanager * Manage your DNS, Databases, etc.
- Bandwidth and Diskspace usage monitoring * Free Installation
eJadSPM System is a complete out-of-the-box web hosting, microsoft Exchange 2007, datacenter, dedicated servers, VPS servers, domain names, and SSL management control panel system. Its powerful billing and integrated services management allows for reliably delivering wide array of hosting services quickly and efficiently. eJadSPM is not just another hosting control panel, it is a complete automation control system behind which there is 6 years of collective research and development. Salient Features
- Create any type of service plan (shared/dedicated/ssl/etc)
- Advanced multi-currency billing engine
- Built-in store configurator
- Single click AJAX based online store deployment
- Network inventory management
- Remote servers manager (network-eye)
- Automated service provisioning
- Built-in network monitoring and alerts -
- Configurable advanced help desk system
- Simple client self-service center
1:00 PM | Tags: control panels, sysadmin | 1 Comments
Script to daily email APF status
You are running APF on your server, but sometimes you think "is APF running fine?"
This script sends you an email with APF satus.
Log in to your server as root
Create the script:
# nano
Put this on the file:
tail -200 /var/log/apf_log | mail -s "APF Status" you@yourdomain.comSave and Exit
Make it executable:
# chmod 755
Move it to "/etc/cron.daily" folder:
# mv /etc/cron.daily
You will receive now a daily email with APF status.
You can read this:
How to Install APF
11:13 AM | Tags: firewall, security | 0 Comments
Using CHMOD Terminal Commands
This video from shows you how to use the chmod (change file modes) command to set and modify the read, write, and execute permissions for files and directories.
![]() | Download "Using CHMOD Terminal Commands" video clip for play on Ubuntu |
![]() | Download "Using CHMOD Terminal Commands" video clip for play on Windows |
1:56 PM | Tags: sysadmin, ubuntu, videos | 0 Comments
How-to File sharing with Ubuntu using Samba
This video will show you how to share files and folders from Ubuntu to Windows XP and XP to Ubuntu using Samba.
1:48 PM | Tags: network, ubuntu, windows | 0 Comments
How to Dual Boot Ubuntu Linux Using Wubi
This is a easier way to install Ubuntu with out having to partition your hard drive. Wubi allows you to boot into Ubuntu by saving a file to the boot folder in Windows Vista or Windows XP, You can always unistall Ubuntu easily without any complications to Windows Vista or Windows XP.
Download Wubi
7:07 PM | Tags: linux, ubuntu, windows | 0 Comments
Install Windows Vista on your Mac
This tutorial will show you how to install Windows Vista on your Mac using a simple program provided by Apple:
7:01 PM | Tags: videos, windows | 0 Comments
Upgrade form Windows XP to Vista
The next video tutorial will show you how to upgrade your Windows XP system to Windows Vista.
Upgrade Windows XP to Vista:
6:52 PM | Tags: videos, windows | 0 Comments
Intall Windows Vista on PSP
PspWxp stands for PlayStation Portable Windows XP allows you to use Windows XP on your Playstation Portable. It is just a set of Webpages that look similar to Windows XP, but they are offline. It has some useful features lots of games and applications. You do not need to access the Internet for most of pspWxp, only to access the links and use the Web browser.
Download PspWxp
The next video shows how to put Windows Vista on PSP
This video shows Windows Vista running on PSP:
6:41 PM | Tags: videos, windows | 0 Comments
Linux Server within 24hrs (MySQL,Apache,Mail,PHP,Webmin)
Ubuntu/Debian Linux
- Apache 2 - Linux Web server
- MySQL 5 - MySQL Database Server
- PHP4/5 - PHP Scripting Language
- PhpMyAdmin - Web-based database admin software.
- Webalizer - Website Traffic Analyzer
- Mail Server - Postfix (MTA) with Dovecot IMAP/POP3 + Sasl Authentication
- Squirrelmail - A web based email
- VSFTP - A fast ftp server to upload files
- Webmin - A freely available server control panel
- ClamAV - Antivirus software.
- A Firewall using IPtables.
Visit the tutorial
3:30 PM | Tags: sysadmin | 0 Comments
NSA Operatin System security guides have some security guides in PDF
Security Configuration Guides Operating Systems on this site:
- Apple Mac OS X 10.3 'Panther'
- Apple Mac OS X 10.4 'Tiger'
- Microsoft Windows XP
- Microsoft Windows 2000
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003
- Microsoft Windows Vista
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
- Sun Solaris 8
- Sun Solaris 9
Consult it here:
NSA operation system security guides
3:24 PM | Tags: security | 0 Comments
Install Unrar on CentOS Linux
This is very easy to use Unrar on CentOS Linux,
Download and use rm to install Unrar:
# wget
# rpm -Uvh unrar-3.6.2-1.el4.rf.i386.rpm
Extrating a .rar file:
"unrar e -kb rarfile.rar
3:20 PM | Tags: centos, sysadmin | 2 Comments
Best Laptops 2007
Position # 1
Lenovo ThinkPad X61
CPU: 2-GHz Core 2 Duo T7300
Display Size (inches): 12.1
Wide Screen: No
Total HD Size (GB): 160
Min. Weight (lbs.): 3.6
Price When Reviewed: $1724
Check latest prices
Points 83.7/100
Position # 2
Lenovo ThinkPad X61t
CPU: 1.6-GHz Core 2 Duo L7500
Display Size (inches): 12.1
Wide Screen: No
Total HD Size (GB): 100
Min. Weight (lbs.): 4.5
Price When Reviewed: $2299
Points 80.0/100
Position # 3
Lenovo 3000 V200
CPU: 2.2-GHz Core 2 Duo T7500
Display Size (inches): 12.1
Wide Screen: Yes
Total HD Size (GB): 160
Min. Weight (lbs.): 4.3
Price When Reviewed: $1550
Points 76.4/100
Position # 4
Asus W5Fe-2P025E
CPU: 2-GHz Core 2 Duo T7200
Display Size (inches): 12.1
Wide Screen: Yes
Total HD Size (GB): 160
Min. Weight (lbs.): 4
Price When Reviewed: $1999
Points 74.5/100
Position # 5
HP Pavilion tx1000
CPU: 2-GHz Turion 64 X2 TL-60
Display Size (inches): 12.1
Wide Screen: Yes
Total HD Size (GB): 160
Min. Weight (lbs.): 4.2
Price When Reviewed: $1275
Points 74.6/100
Position # 6
HP Compaq 2710p
CPU: 1.2-GHz Core 2 Duo U7600
Display Size (inches): 12.1
Wide Screen: Yes
Total HD Size (GB): 80
Min. Weight (lbs.): 3.7
Price When Reviewed: $2299
Points 74.8/100
Position # 7
Fujitsu LifeBook T4220 Tablet PC
CPU: 2-GHz Core 2 Duo T7300
Display Size (inches): 12.1
Wide Screen: No
Total HD Size (GB): 60
Min. Weight (lbs.): 4.3
Price When Reviewed: $2119
Points 73.9/100
Position # 8
CPU: 1.06-GHz Core 2 Duo U7500
Display Size (inches): 11.1
Wide Screen: Yes
Total HD Size (GB): 100
Min. Weight (lbs.): 2.7
Price When Reviewed: $2100
Points 74.3/100
Position # 9
Fujitsu LifeBook P7230
CPU: 1.2-GHz Core Solo U1400
Display Size (inches): 10.6
Wide Screen: Yes
Total HD Size (GB): 60
Min. Weight (lbs.): 2.6
Points 73.9/100
Position # 10
Fujitsu LifeBook T2010 Tablet PC
CPU: 1.2-GHz Core 2 Duo U7600
Display Size (inches): 12.1
Wide Screen: Yes
Total HD Size (GB): 100
Min. Weight (lbs.): 4
Price When Reviewed: $2558
Points 73/100
Lenovo ThinkPad X61 Tablet PC Video:
12:36 PM | Tags: offtopic, videos | 1 Comments
Install Fedora Linux on a Laptop
This is a full colection of videos showing you how to install Fedora on a Laptop.
4:23 AM | Tags: fedora, linux, videos | 0 Comments
Ubuntu 8.04 Alpha 1 Released
Hardy Heron was announced for the first time on August 29 f this year and it will be available on April 24th 2008 as an LTS (Long Term Support) release.
4:42 PM | Tags: linux, ubuntu | 0 Comments
Customize Ubuntu
This is a very good tutorial that explains how to change Linux Ubuntu appearance to Windows Vita / Mac:
Ubuntu Customization Guide
"Today with a hike in Linux acceptance its pretty hard for competitors to provide similar solutions at free of cost. Open Source is known for User Interaction with Operating System which cannot be done with other OS"(Font:
4:24 PM | Tags: linux | 0 Comments
COMODO - The best Free Windows Firewall
COMODO is at the time probably the best free firewall for Windows.
COMODO Description:
- Complete protection from Hackers, Spyware etc.
- Secures against internal and external attacks
- Host Intrusion Prevention System stops malware ever being installed
- Delivers total end-point security for Personal Computers and Networks
Download Comodo Firewall
2:21 PM | Tags: firewall, security, windows | 0 Comments
HOWTO install ubuntu linux on PlaySation3
First you should get Download Ubuntu. These are 2 amateur videos explaining how to install ubuntu on a PlayStation3.
2:11 PM | Tags: linux, videos | 0 Comments
Make a script run automatically on startup with Debian-based GNU/Linux system
This video will show how to make a script run automatically on startup with a Debian based Linux system.
2:03 PM | Tags: linux, scripts, videos | 0 Comments
Joomla setup tutorial for Windows
What is Joomla?
"Joomla! is one of the most powerful Open Source Content Management Systems on the planet. It is used all over the world for everything from simple websites to complex corporate applications. Joomla! is easy to install, simple to manage, and reliable." (Source: Joomla website)
This video will show you how to install and configure Joomla! content management system using the WAMP stack method and the JumpBox method.
Related Posts:
Install WAMP on Windows (Apache + MySQL + PHP)
9:11 AM | Tags: windows | 0 Comments
Install WAMP on Windows (Apache + MySQL + PHP)
This video is about how to install php with mysql and apache in a windows machine.
WampServer 2.0 [11/21/2007] includes :
- Apache 2.2.6
- MySQL 5.0.45
- PHP 5.2.5
Install Fedora Core 5 Video
This video shows the the installation process of Fedora Core 5 Linux.
Download Fedora
8:49 AM | Tags: linux, videos | 0 Comments
Boot Time Comparasion with 200GB RPM HD and 64GB SSD
Sony TZ91 with XP Boot with (Left) 200GB 5400RPM HD, (Right) 64GB SSD
TZ91 Boot Times Comparison
7:53 AM | Tags: videos | 0 Comments
How to Install iPod Linux
These videos will show you how to install iPod Linux:
From iPod Linux homepage:
"(...) iPodLinux is an open source venture into porting Linux onto the iPod ( So far, we have successfully ported a customized uClinux ( kernel to the iPod, and written a simple user interface for it dubbed podzilla. Additional applications and modules have been written, adding many capabilities not found in Apple's firmware."
7:41 AM | Tags: linux, videos | 0 Comments
3D Desktop TouchScreen and XGL on Linux
This video shows the use of 3D Desktop + TouchScreen + XGL, this is a new concept to work i think we can say goodbye to the mouse :)
Whar is XGL?
"Xgl is an X server architecture designed to take advantage of modern graphics cards via their OpenGL drivers, layered on top of OpenGL via glitz. It supports hardware acceleration of all X, OpenGL and XVideo applications and graphical effects by a compositing window manager such as Compiz or Beryl. The project was started by David Reveman of Novell (SUSE) and first released on January 2, 2006." ( Font: )
7:30 AM | Tags: videos | 0 Comments