How To Install cPanel on a VPS Server

This post is a mini how to, and will help to simply install cPanel on you VPS server. Note that cPanel needs 128 MB to work, but we recommend 256MB.

- Login to your VZMC to get inside your server

- Create a new VPS with the Sample Ve Config call vps.cpanel

- Now you should select the ips you want to use in that VPS and the dns servers.

- Select RedHat Enterprise Template (you dont need to select any addon for cpanel), and select the Space / Memory / CPU

- Put Start on boot and the rest of the normal sett use unlimited VPs.

Using ssh, run this commands:
# mkdir /home/cpanel
# cd /home/cpanel
# wget
# sh latest

Now is time to setup your server:
Login to cpanel WHM using:

You can read more cpanel documentation ( ) and find good information about in this blog :)